
Why Are Siberian Huskies On Breed Restriction Lists?

Siberian Huskies are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. But still, many insurance companies put them on the breed restriction list. 

Although it may seem unfair at first glance, it is justified. Despite being adorable, Siberian huskies might be quite a handful for most people. 

In this article, we will uncover why are Siberian huskies on breed restriction lists. We’ll also review what else you can do to get around the breed restrictions.  

why are Siberian Huskies on breed restriction lists
why are siberian huskies on breed restriction lists

Why Are Siberian Huskies On The Breed Restriction List? 

Siberian Huskies are challenging to manage as pets due to their physical appearance and wolf-like nature. They have tendencies for high bite frequency and make unbearable noises. In addition, some of the damage Siberian Huskies do makes it tough to recover. So, house owners and other residents find them dangerous as pets. 

In short, Siberian Huskies are usually hyperactive and cooperative. However, their behavior can often be dangerous, so people deem them aggressive and violent. 

Insurance companies ban them as a restricted breed for homeowners’ insurance for a few reasons. 

Reason 1: Genetics

Siberian Huskies have old genetics of East Siberian dogs and ancient Lake Baikal dogs. This makes them more prominent in size and aggressive, similar to wolves. 

Insurance companies put them on the list because they’ll be bothersome for people. Furthermore, homeowners are opposed to allowing them. Because people often misunderstand huskies as wolves.

Reason 2: Liability Protection

Siberian Huskies can cause damages that are difficult to compensate under liability protection. Insurance companies do not cover large dogs’ injuries.

Siberian Huskies tend to bite, and some insurance may not cover the cost. Another issue of liability protection is damage to landlords’ assets, which is pretty expensive to cover.

If you pay for liability for damage, you may also have to pay a higher rate along with your rent to the property manager. 

Reason 3: Destructive And Extra Noisy

Because of their size and howling habit, Siberian Huskies can be destructive and noisy. As a result, they are notoriously difficult to train, even as puppies.

Without proper training, Huskies can be a lot of hassle. They require a lot of space or a dog park for their run and many activities. Otherwise, they get bored and begin to cause significant damage.

As they have the genetics of wolves, they yell, whine, and howl a lot when they want to communicate. 

Howling is a common characteristic of the Siberian Husky breeds. They will howl whenever they go through emotional ups and downs like anxiety or separation. As a result, dog owners often need help with problems as most landlords may not like them for being so noisy. 

Reason 4: Stubborn Behavior

Siberian Huskies are derived from the genetics of breeds used for working and pulling sleds. However, because of the harsh weather conditions, their inherent instinct causes them to have stubborn traits. 

They get stubborn when they do not like to do something of illness, lack of training, or exercise. As a result, they have a high potential for causing damage, such as dog bites, chewing, and digging. 

Despite some Siberian Huskies being well-mannered, this is another reason they’re on breed limitation lists.

Reason 5: Shedding A Lot

As Siberian Huskies are bigger doggies, they shed a lot. Unfortunately, this makes many landlords reluctant to let them inside their apartments.

They are huge, loud, and annoying balls of fur, and things can get messy because of their shedding. Landlords usually don’t want that kind of mess around the apartment building. 

Some neighbors dislike them owing to allergies and so on and complain to the landlords. 

Many Siberian Husky owners comb their dogs to reduce shedding and remove filth to minimize the damage. Usually, combing brushes for dogs are pretty much affordable to get around you. In addition, it can keep your furniture hairless and clean and your apartment landlord happy. 

Reason 6: Prey on Other Animals

Siberian Huskies tend to locate and hunt for their prey. As a result, they show aggression or chase other animals like kitties, dogs, or cats due to their prey drive. The situation gets annoying when you find them hurting other residents’ pet animals. 

Insurance companies don’t want to be held liable for such instances. That’s why the dog breeds restrictions. 

Reason 7: Escape Artist

Another reason for listing Siberian Huskies on the breed restrictions is that they often try to hide and escape. They are good at that and can quickly get out of their collars or leash. 

They may enter other residents’ areas or houses to hide. Such unwelcome guests can hinder neighbors’ peace, not to mention the possibility of property damage. 

Reason 8: Suffer Separation Anxiety

If pet owner leaves their Siberian Husky alone, they can suffer from separation anxiety. In addition, it can make them destructive and noisy. 

Most Siberian Huskies loudly howl or even cry occasionally, which can annoy your neighbors.

However, reasons for Siberian Huskies’ breed restrictions can differ from region to region. So, check your area’s breed list.

A Siberian husky
Via Instagram@ guldbaek_huskies

Can You Get Around Breed Restriction?

Yes, you can get around the breed restrictions when renting. However, this can be pretty tricky to deal with.

Usually, for three reasons, your dog gets enlisted on the breed restrictions list which are-

● Breed-specific Legislation

● Insurance Company

● Landlord’s choice

If the restriction is for breed-specific legislation, you may have a chance. Breed-specific laws may be different for all breeds and are very vague. You can eliminate the restriction if you prove your dog is well-mannered and trained. 

But if it’s from the insurance company, it cannot be easy. However, not all insurance companies and their policies include blocklisted breeds. Check your local breed restriction list if your dog is on the list. 

If it depends on the landlord’s choice, please show them adequate evidence and justification that your dog is not harmful. 

What to Do If Your Dog Is Considered a Restricted Breed? – 8 Alternative Ways 

There are different methods to show that your dog will not do any irreversible damage. Here are some ways to get your dog around breed restrictions.

Create Pet Resume 

When renting apartments, you can show the landlord your pet’s resume. But first, create a pet resume where you will mention its behavioral pattern. 

This part should mention if your dog has any proper behavior and manner history, like doing something brave or taking a risk. Also, don’t forget to add your responsibilities as a pet owner. 

Thus, you can reassure the landlord that your dog isn’t as destructive as they usually are said to be. 

Create Pet Video

You can even create or share videos about how playful your dog is. Try to showcase how he behaves around you or without you.

The nicest part of making a pet video is that your landlord may get confidence. Thus, they can allow your Siberian husky in their region.

Prepare Vet Records

Prepare a vet record of your pets where you have imputed all visit dates. Include essential records of vaccination history, size, and weight. 

You can even add medications your dog is having, previous surgeries that have in vet records, etc. 

Use Reference Of Previous Landowner

If you have owned your dog for a long time, show previous landlords’ references. It will be enough proof of your dog’s nondestructive behavior. 

Arrange Pet Interview

Before renting the apartment, you can visit your landlord with your Siberian Husky.

During the interview, introduce your dog to your landlord. Show them how your dog loves to communicate, and stay calm. And your dog will not make as much noise as they’re thinking. 

Emotional Support License 

Pet owners often register their dogs as service dogs. Show your landlord you own an emotional service dog. Try to persuade your landlord that believing in your dog is your emotional support.

Depending on the locality, many authorities give emotional support licenses. It will make your dog more accepted by others. 

Offer Pet Rent

You can offer them if your renting place does not charge pet rent. You can also provide advanced rent with your apartment fare. 

Arrange Training For Your Dog

Lack of attention can cause behavioral changes in your Siberian husky. Training them for their behavior may be difficult, but trainers will succeed.

Allow your dog alone for a while to stop howling from a young age. Then, focus on the practices and training to teach proper behavior, so the landlord feels the urge to show humanity and can allow your dog to be with you. 

Keep in mind that the scenario can be different depending on the situation. For example, you may need to exert more effort to move around the restriction a bit.


Can My Landlord Refuse To Let Me Have A Dog?

Yes, the landlord can refuse to let a dog in. Anytime they can refuse your request to keep the dog along with you. However, you can request appropriate refusal grounds as to why you cannot have dogs. The landlord must then justify his refusal.

How Long Can Siberian Huskies Be Left Alone?

You can leave your Siberian Husky alone for up to 4 to 6 hours daily. And this is for Siberian Huskies that are 18 months old. If you have a puppy, you can leave them for up to 2 to 3 hours every day. But you can’t let them unsupervised for long due to their potential behavioral risk. 

How Often Should A Husky Be Walked?

It takes more than 2 hours because Huskies are active. Their hunting instinct and the energy they require daily walks. Otherwise, they get bored and turn into troublesome pets. Because of their communicative nature, they may experience separation anxiety if not given enough attention. 

Why are Siberian huskies on breed restriction lists: Summary

Now you know precisely why are Siberian Huskies on breed restriction lists. But, unfortunately, there are plenty of reasons for that. 

But the good thing is, there are some ways to get around that too!

Oh, one thing we just remembered is that dog breed restrictions can vary depending on location. So do your homework before thinking of adopting a Siberian husky.

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