
Can a Dog Get Pregnant While Nursing? Complete Answer!

As a dog owner, there is no escape from dealing with your dog’s pregnancy. So, understanding the pregnancy guidance and heat cycle is a good part of being a great pet owner.

So, you’re concerned about can a dog get pregnant while nursing?

A dog can’t get pregnant during the nursing period. To get pregnant again, a female dog has to wait till she mates during the immediate heat cycle. It takes at least 4 months after the delivery to return to the heat cycle. Without accidental or forceful breeding, your dog won’t get pregnant.

Let’s start by answering your question more broadly.

Can A Dog Get Pregnant While Nursing?

Expert says A dog won’t get pregnant while nursing. The nursing or gestation period lasts up to 10 weeks after giving birth to the puppies.

On the other hand, it takes a minimum of 4 months or 15 weeks for the mother to get another heat cycle. So, within that time, She is done with nursing.

In fact, getting pregnant again soon after delivery depends on certain factors. Let’s shed light on those crucial factors which need to be considered. 

can a nursing dog get pregnant
Dog nursing her puppies

Factor 1: Fertility Age

Female dogs reach fertility after they have their first heat cycle[1]. This usually happens when the canine is 6 months old. The fertility lasts as long as 8 years for the larger breeds. For the smaller breeds, the sexual maturity halts at 5 years of their age.

Although a female dog can start breeding after the first cycle, it is highly inadvisable by the experts. Veterans suggest waiting for at least two heat cycles.

In fact, premature pregnancy will lead to physical and psychological difficulties. A minimum of 1 Vet session is recommended to know about the breeder’s genetic traits and disorders.

Let’s have a look at some popular breeds and their fertility timeline.

Breeds nameBreed sizeTimeline
Golden RetrieversLarge6 months to 8 years
French bulldogSmall6 months to 5 years
German ShepherdsLarge6 months to 8 years
PoodlesSmall6 months to 5 years
BeaglesSmall6 months to 5 years
RottweilersLarge6 months to 8 years

So, If your pretty little sunshine has given you a bucket full of pups, check her maturity first. If she is near the end of her fertility age, she won’t be able to get pregnant again after caring for her babies.

In theory, Older dogs can also get pregnant if she is still fertile. But late pregnancies lead to complications both for the breed and the puppies. The prime time is up to 6 years for most of the breeds.

Factor 2: Heat Cycle

The heat cycle is a natural phenomenon describing a female dog’s fertile phase. Like humans, your sweet canines will undergo emotional and physical changes through the oestrus cycle. 

Small breeds start their first cycle as quickly as six months in age, while the larger ones will take at least 12 months. After the nursing period, the heat cycle will take about 5 to 6 weeks to start.

Pregnant dog check up
Dog’s Pregnancy Check-up

The cycle is categorized into 4 phases. Let’s dive in!


Being the first one after nursing, this phase starts when your breed’s vulva swells and secretion from the vagina is bloody. This phase lasts from 3 to 17 days, with an average of 9 days.

So, she won’t be fertile at this stage and reject any male advancing. Her progesterone level will be under 3 ng/ ml.

Oestrus or Estrus

It is the first fertile phase of your canine after delivering pups. She will become aggressive and respond to the male’s call. Averaging at 9 days is the recommended phase for her to start breeding.

The progesterone level will be from 10 to 30 ng/ml, the spike in hormones suggests her multiple ovulation.


This is the 3rd phase, where your dog will have a low chance of getting pregnant. The hints of heat, like swelling of the vulva and water secretion, will disappear.

Progesterone level will decrease, increasing the boost of prolactin.


Known as the rest period, it will stay until the next cycle begins. Let’s have a brief glimpse of the estrus cycle.

Estrus Cycle StagesNameAverage TimelineHormonal DominanceChances of pregnancy
1stPre-Oestrus9 daysEstrogen, FSHNone
2ndOestrus9 daysEstrogen, LH, FSHHigh
3rdPost-Oestrus60 daysProgesterone, ProlactinLow
4thAnoestrus100 – 150 daysFSH, ProlactinNone

In summary, the nine days of the 2nd phase will be vital for your canine to get pregnant again. But her health condition during that period also matters.

Factor 3: Health Condition

Your breeding female is not just a uterus. Her health should be monitored regularly while caring for her pups. Nursing dogs need two times their regular nutritional requirements.

In fact, stress will make her lose weight, and lactation will increase her nourishment demand. Malnutrition will break her ability for upcoming pregnancy.

The previous breeding history of your canine is an essential factor for future pregnancy. If she has suffered troubled labor or dystocia, it will also create problems for her later in life.

Also, regular breeding increases her chance of getting pregnant[2]. If she had only one pregnancy in 8 years of her fertility, she would hardly conceive again.

dog running with her puppy in field
Dog running with her puppy

A nursing dog will be more exposed to infection than a regular dog. If she’s infected during that time, future pregnancy will be hampered. Infections like E. coli, brucellosis, and metabolic diseases will abrupt the cycle.

So, it will lead to complications and lessen the chance of your dog breeding again.

Is It Safe for a Dog to Be Pregnant Soon After Nursing?

Your dog’s health should be a concern of yours. Just breeding and having the pets pregnant is not pleasing if it isn’t healthy enough. 

A dog can be pregnant during the estrus cycle of her heat cycle, even after delivering. Back-to-back pregnancy is safe when the female is at her prime.

Regardless of pregnancy, she will go through the same progesterone spikes in the pet’s body when a heat cycle comes.

But nursing is an exhaustive process for a dog. It is an aggressively harsh process on the health of the mother. So it is humane and ethical to wait for at least one cycle to pass. This skipping will also give her time to regrow strength.


How many days will a female dog let a male mount her?

A female dog lets a male mount her in around 7-9 days. Basically, it happens in the 2nd stage of her heat cycle, which is known as oestrus. However, the time can vary from individual to individualFemale dogs don’t let males mount for more than 2 days.

Why do female dogs cry when mating?

Female dogs cry during mating because of being hurt, anxious, or stressed. Also, if the breeding happens too, early female dogs can scream. But mostly, they cry due to pain. 

Do dogs get pregnant every time they mate?

Getting pregnant each time after mating is not true. But the chances are high. A study says that 40% of female dogs can be pregnant just by having one mating.

End Note

The discussion has come to an end at this point. Hopefully, you’ve got the exact answer and facts about your query can a dog get pregnant while nursing.




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